Ini nih sedikit fakta tentang Strawberry :)
* Melindungi tubuh dari serangan jantung dan Stroke
* Memperlambat penuaan (yang nggak mau cepet tua makan strawberry sebanyak mungkin :D)
* Mengurangi atau mencegah Peradangan
* Melindungi tubuh dari serangan kanker
Apakah kulit kamu terlihat kusam?
Ini berarti kamu perlu mencerahkan kembali kulit anda. Hal ini dapat kamu lakukan dengan sangat mudah. Kamu cukup membuat masker strawberry.
Buah strawberry yang mengandung asam salisilat sangat baik untuk kulit anda. Selain itu, zat antioksidannya membantu memperbaiki kerusakan kulit akibat lingkungan sekitar yang tidak baik. Asam ini juga dapat mengecilkan pori-pori dan mencerahkan kulit kita.
Wajib di coba nih :D
This is very Delicious and Juicy and Cheap :D
Try this guys :)
Strawberry Kiwi Banana Smoothie – This recipe is a dish that uses the basic ingredients of a mixture of kiwi and banana with a delicious strawberry flavor, especially if the serve while warm. Banana strawberry smoothie kiwi was presented with a practical way and without any complicated processing, it’s easy … Good Luck :)
* 10-15 strawberries
* 1 kiwi
* 1 tsp. orange juice
* 1 tsp. orange juice
* 1 tsp. vanilla extract
* 1 / 2 cup sugar or honey
* 1 / 2 cups milk
* 2 tbsp. powdered sugar
* Half a banana
* 4 crushed ice cubes
To his way of processing is very easy to just add all ingredients, mix and serve immediately.
Strawberry Smoothie
Strawberry Smoothie – We have a very delicious drink recipes all, a drink with a strawberry smoothie made with fresh strawberries. You can follow the appropriate instructions and materials to get the desired results.
· Degrees 7 strawberries
· 200 ml of milk formula
· 200 ml of milk formula
1. Cut the strawberries and mix with formula milk.
2. Process in a blender until smooth and slightly thickened. Remove and pour in glasses
3. Ready to serve at baby
2. Process in a blender until smooth and slightly thickened. Remove and pour in glasses
3. Ready to serve at baby
Strawberry is rich in vitamin C which is useful for the body and improve endurance
metabolism. Besides regular consumption is believed to help improve
intelligence of a child’s brain.
Yummy :-9Strawberry is rich in vitamin C which is useful for the body and improve endurance
metabolism. Besides regular consumption is believed to help improve
intelligence of a child’s brain.
Berry Lime Ice
Served : 4 glass
-2 cangkir irisan strawberry beku yang telah dicuci,
-4 jeruk nipis, peras airnya,
-2 sdm madu,
-2 sdm kelapa parut kering.
Blender strawberry beku yang telah dicuci, perasan air jeruk nipis dan madu hingga lembut. Tuang dalam empat gelas. Beri setiap gelas taburan kelapa kering dan perasan jeruk.
Strawberry bisa di buat apa saja, gampang asalkan bisa memasak :D
Cek this out :D
Ice Cream Vanilla Strawberry :3
Chocolate Strawberry
Strawberry Covered by Chocolate >.<

Ice cream Strawberry
Strawberry Shortcake :D
Vanilla Strawberry sorbet swirl.. yummy ;)
Bunnies Ice cream :-9
Danbo with his Ice cupcakes :D
Cukup buat Strawberry nya :)
Wait my new post guys.. ENJOY ~
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